Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Three glorious years!
Monday, December 27, 2010
4 months and lovin' life!

My tiny E turned 4 months old on the 17th and she is a definitely a true joy. She weighs in at a hefty 14 pounds, 6 ounces which is a change from the G-ster (who I call the white wisp because of her slight size and pale skin/hair).
I love using the chalkboard to archive this monthly milestone. I "borrowed" the idea from Shannon at Bless Our Nest. I've added a little drawing in the corner for each month (books and apple for Sept, jack-o-lantern for Oct, turkey for Nov, Christmas tree for Dec). Here are the previous months pics (posted to the old bloggeroo and I figure you all want to see my cute kid so I'll add them here).

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Where, oh where have I been?
• Christmas craziness!!! (the best kind of, parties, random merriment)
• the stomach bug (first G, then E, next moi, finally The Hubs (he was the biggest baby)
• and the worst of all...Online traffic school!!! Yes, I got a speeding ticket. I didn't know I was "exceeding the posted limit" and I'm not a fast driver so it was really a bummer. And traffic school was mind-numbing, poke-my-eye-out boring, and put-me-out-of-my-misery painful.
Happy Holidays to everyone! I hope to get back onto the swing of things soon.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday Favorites: Fa la la la love it!
And these guys didn't disappoint! I have loved Johnny Mathis' renditions of holiday tunes since I was a little wee one and, HELLO, Josh Groban's voice was created for Christmas songs! So, this week I'm giving you a rundown of my fa la la la favorites.
1) Sleigh Ride Johnny Mathis
2) Little Drummer Boy Josh Groban
3) In the Bleak Midwinter James Taylor
4) Winter (album) George Winston
5) Let There be Peace on Earth Vince Gill
6) Do You Hear What I Hear (from an old record that my mom used to have which has now gone the way of our Fisher Price Little People camper and my first, lost)
7) Angels from the Realms of Glory (as played by moi on my mom's piano. It's like singing in the shower... if I had to do it anywhere else it would just be crap-ola but in our living room at home I sound like Mozart tickling the ivories)
8) Any "true" Christmas carols played at the church I grew up in on Christmas Eve or Day (not those Lutheran dirges that are in the section marked "Christmas" -- the REAL, well-known, don't-have-to-look-at-the-hymnal-to-follow-along, hymns)
I'll pretty much listen to anything festive except that I don't like it when pop stars try to write new Christmas songs or sing old ones all jazzy. Just be traditional for goodness sake...isn't that part of the Christmas experience!?!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Oh Tannen "da Bomb"

Monday, December 6, 2010
Wrapping the rails

Friday, December 3, 2010
Friday Favorites: Music to my ears

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Thrifty Gifty

and a 10 inch vase...

Update: About an hour after finishing the project, I saw a little waded up pile of tissue paper in the corner of the room. Low and behold, there were extra stars and red beads under it. So it turns out I have a few to use for a project in my casa as well! Yay! Looks like my little elf is also a little hoarder.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Holy backyard Batman!
Just starting the concrete framing. Believe it or not, this is an improvement over how it was before they started. It was a dusty, rocky, desolate, little space.
Ta-da! The finished yard. I know, I know. You're shocked at how tiny it is. But believe it or not, this isn't a tiny yard for Las Vegas. We looked at another home in this neighborhood that had 3 feet between the back patio and the wall. Yikes! Also, yes, the grass is fake-o-roonie. That's right. Its turf. It took a little getting used to for me too but in the end, its so much better than watering a real lawn and seems to be pretty standard around here.
And, as you all know, no space is ever finished. We'd love to get a table (for the part you can't see up against the house. No pics of this for now because its littered with a certain kiddos toys) and add lounge chairs and a firepit in the bigger concrete space. I'll be sure to post pics once thats finished (not anytime soon with all the other projects we have in store). Who knew a brand new house needed so much TLC?!?