Its finally time for a picture of a FINISHED room in my house! Remember when I showed you this fabric? Well, I finally used it to make curtains for my dining room. I lurrrve them. I wanted to do them entirely in the print but it was all OUT! Everywhere apparently. I tried to find something different but you know how it is, once your heart is set, there's no going back. Anyway. Here's a shot of my completed room:

I don't have a "before" pic because, well, because I'm lazy. Our old computer bit the dust and I have yet to break out the ol' external hard drive and move all our pics onto Mac Daddy. Imagine a plain, white box. The bar was there but that's it. We painted (love you Kilim Beige. kisses.), added the chair rail (love you Daddy. kisses), and I made the curtains, then hung them just yesterday (I smooch myself all the time, no need for you guys to go through it with me)! Our couch is a reddish color and this room is open to our living room so I thought it was important to bring the red over and tie the spaces together.
What I'm really proud of is the construction of the panels themselves. I was tempted to do a big rectangle and hang it with clips (nothing wrong with that, I've done it before and will do it again I'm sure) but I wanted a little bit more tailored look this time. So, I made a rod pocket at the top, as well as hidden tabs, in order to get it to hang slightly pleated. Go me!!! This was my first time sewing curtains and I think I did a bang up job.

And, if you ever need to lengthen store bought curtains, or like me, want to use a small amount of fabric for pop, just add it to the bottom. The key to this is finishing it with a ribbon or other fabric.

That hides any imperfections that might be present in the middle seam. Oh? You thought I meant that my seam wasn't perfect? No, no, no. It's perfectly straight.
I swear.
Don't come over and check, OK?
PS. Do you see how empty the little glass vases are on the table. Those purty little M&M decorations don't last long around here. Without the candy to hold them up the candles are a little wonky!