We had a great Valentine's Day. The Hubs had to go to work SUPER early but that meant he was home early!!! He got G a love bug balloon and we tied it on her brand new pillow pet (I held off getting her one because who needs another stuffed animal, right? But she'd been asking since November so whats a momma to do?). Just wanted to show you the Valentine's we made to send out to friends and family (I missed the card boat for Christmas and New Year so we were due to send out some postal love).

G working hard with glitter glue (umm, she loves this messy stuff but I'll be buying another chair pad on my next Ikea trip)
I got inexpensive cards at Joanns (8 for $1) and printed out some pics at home. This one has yet to receive its obligatory decorations from the 3 year old. On a side note, I got square cards which meant 64 cents to mail each one. Doh.
And our inside message... "We love you a hole punch!" with a simple little punch out of each one. I think these would be super cute done with an old-fashioned type writer script and of course making a heart shape with the hole punches but we were pressed for time. I didn't mail them out until Saturday!!! Momma forgot to allow for overnight drying of a gallon of glitter glue. Oops. Live and learn. Hope your Valentine's Day was as sweet as mine!
PS. The Hubs got me The Pioneer Woman Cookbook (its been on my wishlist forever!) and I'm enjoying reading every word. Her writing style and ability to sound so much like a normal chick never ceases to amaze me. What a wonderful representative of the amazing women out there that choose to stay home and raise their babies! Oh, and the cinnamon roll pictures (among others) are making my mouth water...
HOW CUTE is that itty bitty blondie! xox!