First let me start out by saying that I am the. coolest. parent. ever. EVER. No, just cool for one night I guess. The promenade that runs through the middle of our neighborhood is lined with lit trees for the holidays and we took the girls out for a little stroll after dark to check it out.

We packed graham crackers, hot chocolate, and put on warm clothes (it was still in the 50s so the warm clothes were mostly for effect). I just kept thinking how neat I would have thought this little adventure was when I was a kid. And my mom did stuff like that with us a lot. At least the few times we did it were memorable enough that I thought it was a lot. Like "camping out" in the bed of my dad's truck to watch a meteor shower.

Anyway, it made me realize that I wouldn't just have loved it if I was a kid, I was loving it right then. With my own kids and The Hubs.

It was such a special little adventure that didn't cost anything or take elaborate planning. Just being together. Hope you can take a moment this year to take an