This lamp, on The Hubs side of the bed, has bugged me FOREVER. It was the first lamp I ever bought and I, for some unknown reason, thought this lamp shade looked good with it. For about 5 minutes. What was I thinking?!? It looks like a little kid wearing his dad's hat. Heck, it looks like a little kid with a ridiculous lamp shade on its head. You know the worst part? I'm pretty sure that when I picked this bad boy up at Target 9 years ago, the lamp had an "S" on it for small, and the shade had an
Well, when we moved time before last, this happened...

I hot glued it but when we moved this time...5 months later, and one year ago, the glue came undone. The lamp has been sitting next to the bed for a year looking like this. Not plugged in. Because I kept thinking I would replace the darn thing and why exert all that energy leaning over behind the night stand, using contortionist maneuvers to plug it in (Note to self: Sign up for yoga, you lazy fool!).
So yesterday, while at Lowes getting supplies for my latest Pinterest inspired project, I saw this little shade for only $10.
I had assumed I'd replace the whole she-bang, lamp and shade. But this little drummer boy (getting in the Christmas spirit, folks!) was perfect. And, while I still think the lamp isn't right for our bedroom, it looks so much better and can be transferred to the bonus room or one of the girls' rooms without me feeling shame for that shady, disgrace of a lamp.

I think I'll trim it with a little ribbon for some za za zing, but that can wait for another day. Oh, and paint for this room will be happening when we get the upstairs painted! Very soon!!! Followed by window treatments (which are done but I didn't want to hang them until we painted).
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