I am officially in love with Craig!!! Well his list anyway. I had never used it before but Sunday night around 9 pm I posted a listing to sell our washer and dryer (they came with the house and we have a fancy schmancy front-loading washer and dryer set). At 8 am Monday morning I had an email from an interested buyer and by 11 am I had 300 crispy hundreds in my hand. What an awesome feeling! After making such easy money (I know it won't always be so quick) The Hubs says, and I quote, "Sell it! Sell it all!!!" Hmmm, the list is definitely growing.
What did I do with that set of dishes my mom gave me in college???
I LOOOOVE Criagslist, too! It's a great way to be able to fund decorating adventures our a meal out :) Your blog is so cute!