I've been eyeing this lovely chair since we bought our red couch.

I think its the perfect accent but I was hesitant for some reason. Then, when perusing the Tarjay website yesterday I saw that it was on sale!!! I'll have 2, thankyouverymuch. I figure that its no biggie if I don't like them for whatever reason or only want to keep one because I got free shipping and can return them to the store. I'll anxiously be awaiting their arrival. The only problem is that I want to use them in the living room AND in the bonus room. Decisions, decisions..
Update: Last night, after I'd written this post but not published it yet, I took a break and watched some House Hunters. A couple from Nashville had this chair in their house and it was too cute! Providence, my dear, simply providence.
Okay, so I'm dying to know if the chairs came and do you love them?